Our research work has been published in 130+ peer-reviewed articles in 50+ journals.
Publications - Selected
Li ZM, Latash ML, Zatsiorsky VM (1998) Force sharing among fingers as a model of the redundancy problem. Experimental Brain Research 119(3):276-286
Li ZM, Tang J, Chakan MC, Kaz R (2008) Complex, multi-dimensional thumb movements generated by individual extrinsic muscles. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 26 (9): 1289-1295
Li ZM, Tang J, Chakan M, Kaz R (2009) Carpal tunnel expansion by palmarly directed forces to the transverse carpal ligament. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 131:081011
Li ZM, Masters TM, Mondello TA (2011). Area and shape changes of the carpal tunnel in response to tunnel pressure. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 29(12): 1951-6
Domalain M, Seitz W, Evans PJ, Li ZM (2011) Biomechanical effect of increasing or decreasing degrees of freedom for surgery of trapeziometacarpal joint arthritis: a simulation study. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 29(11):1675-81
Prantil RK, Xiu K, Kim KE, Gaitan DM, Sacks MS, Woo SLY, Li ZM (2012). Fiber orientation of the transverse carpal ligament. Clinical Anatomy 25:478–482
Kim DH, Marquardt TL, Gabra JN, Shen ZL, Evans PJ, Seitz WH, Li ZM (2013). Pressure-morphology relationship of a released carpal tunnel. Journal of Orthopeadic Research. 31(4):616-620
Shen ZL, Li ZM (2013). Biomechanical interaction between the transverse carpal ligament and the thenar muscles. Journal of Applied Physiology 114: 225–229
Marquardt TL, Nataraj R, Evans PJ, Seitz WH, Li ZM (2014). Carpal tunnel syndrome impairs thumb opposition and circumduction motion. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 472(8):2526-2533
Nataraj R, Evans PJ, Seitz WH, Li ZM (2014). Pathokinematics of precision pinch movement associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 32:786-792
Li K, Evans PJ, Seitz WH, Li ZM (2015). Carpal tunnel syndrome impairs sustained precision pinch performance, Clinical Neurophysiology 126(1):194-201
Gabra JN, Li ZM (2016). Three-dimensional stiffness of the carpal arch. Journal of Biomechanics. 49(1):53-59
Marquardt TL, Evans PJ, Seitz WH, Li ZM (2016). Carpal arch and median nerve changes during radioulnar wrist compression in carpal tunnel syndrome patients. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 34(7):1234-40. NIHMSID: NIHMS 747452
Kolmodin J, Davidson IU, Jun BJ, Sodhi N, Subhas N, Patterson TE, Li ZM, Iannotti JP, Ricchetti ET (2018). Scapular notching after reverse total shoulder arthroplasty: prediction using patient-specific osseous anatomy, implant location, and shoulder motion. J Bone Joint Surg Am 100(13):1095-1103. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.17.00242
Loss J, Li ZM, Biometry of thenar muscle origins on the flexor retinaculum, Clinical Anatomy 2020, 1-5. PMID: 31894884
Shah R, Li ZM. Ligament and bone arch partition of the carpal tunnel by three-dimensional ultrasonography, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 2020, 142(9), 091008-1. PMID: 32110808, PMCID: PMC7247533
Journals (click to expand)
We have published in the following peer-reviewed journals:
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Biological Cybernetics
BioMedical Engineering OnLine
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics
Clinical Anatomy
Clinical Biomechanics
Clinical Neurophysiology
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
Experimental Brain Research
European Journal of Anatomy
Gait and Posture
Human Movement Science
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
Journal of Applied Biomechanics
Journal of Applied Physiology
Journal of Arthroplasty
Journal of Biomechanics
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering
Journal of Biomedical Engineering
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery [AM]
Journal of China Sports Science
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology
Journal of Hand Surgery [Am]
Journal of Hand Surgery [Br]
Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology
Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering
Journal of Motor Behavior
Journal of Musculoskeletal Research
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation
Journal of Orthopaedic Research
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research
Journal of Orthopaedic Translation
Journal of Physiology
Journal of Wrist Surgery
Medical Engineering and Physics
Motor Control
Muscle and Nerve
Neuroscience Letters
Open Journal of Medical Psychology
Orthopaedic Surgery
Space Medicine & Medical Engineering
Technology and Health Care
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology
Publications - All (click to expand)
Years Prior to 2000
- Chen Q, Li ZM (1991) The finite element analysis of human tibia in high jumping (in Chinese). Journal China Sports Science, 11(1):62-65
- Chien BF, Yang QM, Xu RH, Li ZM, Lu K, Yu WD (1994) Biomechanical study of quadriceps through an isokinetic velocity spectrum. Journal of Biomedical Engineering 11(2):129-132
- Li ZM, Chien BF, Yang QM (1995) Relaxation properties of isometric knee extension using a viscoelastic model. Journal of Biomedical Engineering 12(4):304-306
- Li ZM, Latash ML, Zatsiorsky VM (1998) Force sharing among fingers as a model of the redundancy problem. Experimental Brain Research 119(3):276-286
- Li ZM, Latash ML, Newell KM, Zatsiorsky VM (1998) Motor redundancy during maximal voluntary contraction in four-finger tasks. Experimental Brain Research 122(1):71-78
- Zatsiorsky VM, Li ZM, Latash ML (1998) Coordinated force production in multi-finger tasks: Finger interaction and neural network modeling. Biological Cybernetics 79(2):139-150
- Latash ML, Li ZM, Zatsiorsky VM (1998) A principle of error compensation studied within a task of force production by a redundant set of fingers. Experimental Brain Research 122(2):131-138
- Latash ML, Gelfand IM, Li ZM, Zatsiorsky VM (1998) Changes in the force sharing pattern induced by modifications of visual feedback during force production by a set of fingers. Experimental Brain Research 123(3):255-262
Years 2000-2010
- Li S, Danion F, Latash ML, Li ZM, Zatsiorsky VM (2000) Finger coordination and bilateral deficit during two-hand force production tasks performed by right-handed subjects. Journal of Applied Biomechanics 16:379-391
- Li S, Danion F, Latash ML, Li ZM, Zatsiorsky VM (2000) Characteristics of finger force production during one- and two-hand tasks. Human Movement Science 19(6):897-923
- Zatsiorsky VM, Li ZM, Latash ML (2000) Enslaving effects in multiple-finger force production. Experimental Brain Research 131(2):187-195
- Danion F, Latash ML, Li ZM, Zatsiorsky VM (2000) The effect of fatigue on multi-finger coordination in force production tasks. Journal of Physiology 523 (2):523-532
- Li ZM, Zatsiorsky VM, Latash ML (2000) Contribution of the extrinsic and intrinsic hand muscles to the moments in finger joints. Clinical Biomechanics 15(3):203-211
- Li S, Danion F, Latash ML, Li ZM, Zatsiorsky VM (2001) Bilateral deficit and symmetry in finger force production during two-hand multifinger tasks. Experimental Brain Research 141(4):530-540
- Li ZM, Zatsiorsky VM, Li S, Danion F, Latash ML (2001) Bilateral multifinger deficit in symmetrical key-pressing tasks. Experimental Brain Research 140(1): 86-94
- Li ZM, Zatsiorsky VM, Latash ML (2001) The effect of finger extensor mechanism on the flexor force during isometric tasks. Journal of Biomechanics 34(8):1097-1102
- Danion F, Latash ML, Li ZM, Zatsiorsky VM (2001) The effect of a fatiguing exercise by the index finger on single- and multi-finger force production tasks. Experimental Brain Research 138(3):322-329
- Li ZM, Yue GH (2002) The dependence of finger flexion force on the position of the non-flexion fingers. Journal of Motor Behavior 34(4): 329-338
- Li ZM (2002). Inter-digit coordination and object-digit interaction when holding an object with five digits. Ergonomics 45(6): 425-440
- Li ZM (2002) The influence of wrist position on individual finger forces during forceful grip. Journal of Hand Surgery [Am] 27(5): 886-896
- Li ZM (2002) Wrist position determines force of individual fingers. BioMechanics 9(2): 69-75
- Li ZM, Zatsiorsky VM, Latash ML, Bose NK (2002) Anatomically and experimentally based neural networks modeling force coordination in static multi-finger tasks. Neurocomputing 47(1-4): 259-275
- Gao F, Li S, Li ZM, Latash ML, Zatsiorsky VM (2003) Matrix analyses of interaction among fingers in static force production tasks. Biological Cybernetics 89: 407-414
- Li ZM, Goitz RJ (2003). Biomechanical evaluation of the motor function of the thumb. Technology and Health Care (International Journal of Health Care Engineering) 11(4):233-43
- Chandler JW, Stabile KJ, Pfaeffle HJ, Li ZM, Woo SLY, Tomaino MM (2003) Computer assisted surgical planning of interosseous ligament reconstruction. Journal of Hand Surgery [Am] 28(1):111-116
- Li ZM, Fisk JA, Woo SLY (2003) The use of matrix method for the study of human motion: theory and application. Journal of Biomedical Engineering 20(3):375-383
- Li ZM, Pfaeffle HJ, Sotereanos DG, Goitz RJ, Woo SLY (2003) Multi-directional strength and force envelope of the index finger. Clinical Biomechanics 18(10): 908-915
- Tomaino MM, Pfaeffle HJ, Stabile KJ, Li ZM (2003) Reconstruction of the interosseous ligament of the forearm reduces load on the radial head in cadavers. Journal of Hand Surgery [Br] 28(3): 267-70
- Li ZM, Harkness DA, Goitz RJ (2004) Thumb force deficit after lower median nerve block. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 1:3
- Li ZM, Dun SC, Harkness DA, Brininger TL (2004) Motion enslaving among multiple fingers of the human hand. Motor Control 8(1): 1-15
- Li ZM, Harkness DA (2004) Circumferential force production of the thumb. Medical Engineering and Physics 26(8): 663-670
- Pfaeffle HJ, Stabile KJ, Li ZM, Tomaino MM (2005) Reconstruction of the interosseous ligament restores normal forearm compressive load transfer in cadavers. Journal of Hand Surgery [Am] 30(2):319-325
- Stabile KJ, Pfaeffle HJ, Sarris I, Li ZM, Tomaino MM (2005) Structural properties of reconstruction constructs for the interosseous ligament of the forearm. Journal of Hand Surgery [Am] 30(2):312-318
- Li ZM, Kuxhaus L, Fisk JA, Christophel TH (2005) Coupling between wrist flexion-extension and radial-ulnar deviation. Clinical Biomechanics 20(2): 177-183
- Ugbolue UC, Hsu WH, Goitz RJ, Li ZM (2005) Tendon and nerve movements in the carpal tunnel during finger movements. Clinical Biomechanics 20(1): 50-56
- Espiritu M, Kuxhaus L, Kaufmann RA, Li ZM, Goitz RJ (2005) Quantifying the effect of distal intrinsic release on PIP joint flexion: a cadaveric study. Journal of Hand Surgery [Am] 30A:1032-1038
- Dun SC, Li ZM (2005) Visualization of manipulation mechanics. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 54(6):2336-2341
- Li ZM, Harkness DA Goitz RJ (2005) Thumb strength affected by carpal tunnel syndrome. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 441:320-326
- Guo X, Fan YB, Li ZM (2005) Carpal tunnel syndrome and its biomechanical studies (in Chinese). Advances in Mechanics 35(4):472-480
- Li ZM (2005) Gender difference in carpal tunnel compliance. Journal of Musculoskeletal Research 9(3):153-159
- Pfaeffle HJ, Stabile KJ, Li ZM, Tomaino MM (2006) Reconstruction of the interosseous ligament unloads metallic radial head arthroplasty and the distal ulna in cadavers. Journal of Hand Surgery [Am] 31(2):269-278
- Li ZM, Davis G, Gustafson NP, Goitz RJ (2006) A robot-assisted study of intrinsic muscle regulation on proximal interphalangeal joint stiffness by varying metacarpophalangeal joint position. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 24(3):407-415
- Li ZM, Nimbarte AD (2006) Peripheral median nerve block impairs precision pinch movement. Clinical Neurophysiology 117: 1941–1948
- Li ZM (2006) Functional degrees of freedom (Point-of-View). Motor Control 10(4):301-310
- Zheng YP, Li ZM, Choi APC, Lu MH, Chen X, Huang QH (2006) Ultrasound palpation sensor for tissue thickness and elasticity measurement - assessment of transverse carpal ligament. Ultrasonics 44S:e313-e317
- Li ZM, Tang J (2007) Coordination of thumb joints during opposition. Journal of Biomechanics 40(3): 502-510
- Dun SC, Kaufmann RA, Li ZM (2007) Lower median nerve block impairs precision grip. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 17(3): 348-354
- Guo X, Fan YB, Li ZM (2007) Three-dimensional finite element analysis of carpal tunnel under palmarly directed stretch force. Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering. 26 (4):561-566
- Brininger TL, Rogers JC, Holm MB, Baker NA, Li ZM, Goitz RJ (2007) Efficacy of a fabricated customized splint and tendon and nerve gliding exercises for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 88(11):1429-1435
- Tang J, Zhang X, Li ZM (2008) Operational and maximal workspace of the thumb. Ergonomics 51(7):1109-1118
- Li ZM, An KN (2008) Biomechanics of the carpal tunnel and its relevance to carpal tunnel syndrome (Part I). Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics 28(4):349-352
- Li ZM, An KN (2008) Biomechanics of the carpal tunnel and its relevance to carpal tunnel syndrome (Part II). Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics 28(5):438-440
- Guo X, Fan YB, Li ZM (2008) Biomechanical analysis of wrist under axial static compressive force on metacarpals. Space Medicine & Medical Engineering 21(1):45-49
- Nimbarte A, Kaz R, Li ZM (2008) Finger joint motion induced by individual extrinsic muscles: a cadaveric study. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research 3:27
- Li ZM, Tang J, Chakan MC, Kaz R (2008) Complex, multi-dimensional thumb movements generated by individual extrinsic muscles. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 26 (9): 1289-1295
- Gehrmann SV, Tang J, Kaufmann RA, Goitz RJ, Windolf L, Li ZM (2008) Variability in precision pinch movement caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. Journal of Hand Surgery [AM] 33A:1069-1075
- Gehrmann SV, Kaufmann RA, Li ZM (2008) Wrist Circumduction reduced by finger constraints. Journal of Hand Surgery [AM]: 33A: 1287-1292
- Guo X, Fan YB, Li ZM (2009) Effects of dividing the transverse carpal ligament on the mechanical behavior of the carpal bones under axial compressive load: a finite element study. Medical Engineering & Physics 31(2): 188-194
- Li ZM, Tang J, Chakan M, Kaz R (2009) Carpal tunnel expansion by palmarly directed forces to the transverse carpal ligament. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 131:081011
- Wu JZ, Li ZM, Cutlip RG, An KN (2009) A simulating analysis of the effects of increased joint stiffness on muscle loading in a thumb. BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2009, 8:41
- Pacek CA, Tang J, Goitz RJ, Kaufmann RA, Li ZM (2010). A morphological study of the carpal tunnel. Hand. 5(1):77-81
- Pacek CA, Chakan MC, Goitz RJ, Kaufmann RA, Li ZM (2010). A morphological study of the transverse carpal ligament. Hand. 5(2):135-140
- Xiu KH, Kim JH, Li ZM (2010). Biomechanics of the transverse carpal arch under carpal bone loading. Clinical Biomechanics 25: 776–780
- Gehrmann SV, Tang J, Li ZM, Goitz RJ, Windolf J, Kaufmann RA (2010) Motion deficit of the thumb in CMC joint arthritis. Journal of Hand Surgery [AM] 35 (9): 1449-1453
Years 2011-2020
- Domalain M, Seitz W, Evans PJ, Li ZM (2011) Biomechanical effect of increasing or decreasing degrees of freedom for surgery of trapeziometacarpal joint arthritis: a simulation study. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 29(11):1675-81
- Li ZM, Masters TM, Mondello TA (2011). Area and shape changes of the carpal tunnel in response to tunnel pressure. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 29(12): 1951-6
- Domalain M, Evans PJ, Seitz W, Li ZM (2011). Influence of experimentally simulated joint fusion on thumb-index finger coordination. Journal of Hand Surgery [AM] 36(12): 1944–1949
- Prantil RK, Xiu K, Kim KE, Gaitan DM, Sacks MS, Woo SLY, Li ZM (2012). Fiber orientation of the transverse carpal ligament. Clinical Anatomy 25:478–482
- Shen ZL, Li ZM (2012). Ultrasound assessment of the transverse carpal ligament thickness: a reliability and validity study. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 38(6):982-988
- Shen ZL, Mondello TA, Nataraj R, Domalain MF, Li ZM (2012). A digit alignment device for kinematic analysis of the hand. Gait and Posture 36(3):643-645
- Gabra JN, Domalain M, Li ZM (2012). Movement of the distal carpal row during narrowing and widening of the carpal arch width. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 134(10):101004
- Shen ZL, Li ZM (2013). Biomechanical interaction between the transverse carpal ligament and the thenar muscles. Journal of Applied Physiology 114: 225–229
- Gabra JN and Li ZM (2013). Carpal tunnel cross-sectional area affected by soft tissues abutting the carpal bones. Journal of Wrist Surgery. 02(01): 073-078
- Kim DH, Marquardt TL, Gabra JN, Shen ZL, Evans PJ, Seitz WH, Li ZM (2013). Pressure-morphology relationship of a released carpal tunnel. Journal of Orthopeadic Research. 31(4):616-620
- Li K, Li ZM (2013). Cross recurrence analysis of precision grip following peripheral median nerve block. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. 10(1):28
- Marquardt TL, Li ZM (2013). Quantifying digit force vector coordination during precision grip. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology. 13(2):1350047, 1-11
- Pasluosta CF, Domalain M, Fang Y, Yue GH, Li ZM (2013). Influence of nerve supply on hand musculo-muscular coupling during static grip. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 23( 3): 594-599
- Li ZM, Gabra JN, Marquardt TL, Kim DH (2013). Narrowing of carpal arch width to increase cross-sectional area of carpal tunnel – a cadaveric study. Clinical Biomechanics 28:402-407
- Li K, Marquardt TL, Li ZM (2013). Removal of visual feedback lowers structural variability of inter-digit force coordination during sustained precision pinch. Neuroscience Letters 545(17):1-5
- Shen ZL, Vince DG, Li ZM (2013). In vivo study of transverse carpal ligament stiffness using acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) imaging. PLoS ONE 8(7): e68569. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0068569
- Nataraj, Li ZM (2013). Robust identification of thumb and index finger kinematics with a minimal set of markers. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 135(9):091002
- Li K, Nataraj R, Marquardt TL, Li ZM (2013). Directional coordination of thumb and finger forces during precision pinch. PLoS One 8(11):e79400. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0079400
- Baker NA, Xiu KH, Moehling K, Li ZM (2013). Dynamic postures of the transverse metacarpal arch during typing. Journal of Applied Biomechanics 29(6):810-6
- Nataraj R, Evans PJ, Seitz WH, Li ZM (2014). Effects of carpal tunnel syndrome on reach-to-pinch performance. PLoS ONE 9(3): e92063. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0092063
- Nataraj R, Evans PJ, Seitz WH, Li ZM (2014). Pathokinematics of precision pinch movement associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 32:786-792
- Nataraj R, Pasluosta C, Li ZM (2014). Effects of visual feedback on finger coordination during reach-to-pinch maneuver. Human Movement Science 36:134–153
- Marquardt TL, Nataraj R, Evans PJ, Seitz WH, Li ZM (2014). Carpal tunnel syndrome impairs thumb opposition and circumduction motion. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 472(8):2526-2533
- Nie Y, Pei FX, Li ZM (2014). Effect of high hip center on stress for dysplastic hip. Orthopedics 37(7): e637-e643
- Li ZM, Marquardt TL, Evans PJ, Seitz WH (2014). Biomechanical role of the transverse carpal ligament in carpal tunnel compliance, Journal of Wrist Surgery 3(4):227-232
- Goitz RJ, Fowler JR, Li ZM (2014). The transverse carpal ligament: anatomy and clinical implications, Journal of Wrist Surgery 3(4):233-234
- Nataraj R, Li ZM (2015). Integration of marker and force data to compute three-dimensional joint moments of the thumb and index finger digits during pinch, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 18(6):592-606
- Li K, Evans PJ, Seitz WH, Li ZM (2015). Carpal tunnel syndrome impairs sustained precision pinch performance, Clinical Neurophysiology 126(1):194-201
- Nataraj R, Musa A, Li ZM (2015). Digit mechanics in relation to endpoint compliance during precision pinch. Journal of Biomechanics 48:672-680. DOI 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2014.12.040, NIHMS ID: NIHMS653712
- Gabra JN, Kim DH, Li ZM (2015). Elliptical morphology of the carpal tunnel cross section. European Journal of Anatomy 19 (1): 49-56
- Nie Y, Pei FX, Li ZM (2015). Finite element modelling for assessing effect of acetabular component orientation on the basic stress path above acetabular dome, Orthopaedic Surgery 7(1):66-73
- Marquardt TL, Gabra JN, Li ZM (2015). Morphological and positional changes of the carpal arch and median nerve during wrist compression. Clinical Biomechanics 30(3):248-253
- Nie Y, Pei FX, Shen B, Kang PD, Li ZM (2015). Implication of acetabular width on the anteroposterior pelvic radiograph of patients with developmental dysplasia of the hip. Journal of Arthroplasty 30(3):489-94
- Gabra JN, Li ZM (2016). Three-dimensional stiffness of the carpal arch. Journal of Biomechanics. 49(1):53-59
- Mhanna C, Marquardt TL, Li ZM (2016). Adaptations of the transverse carpal ligament associated with repetitive hand use in pianists. PLOS ONE 11(3):e0150174. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150174
- Marquardt TL, Evans PJ, Seitz WH, Li ZM (2016). Carpal arch and median nerve changes during radioulnar wrist compression in carpal tunnel syndrome patients. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 34(7):1234-40. NIHMSID: NIHMS 747452
- Nie Y, Pei FX, Shen B, Kang PD, Li ZM (2016). Importance of maintaining the basic stress pathway above the acetabular dome during acetabular reconstruction. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 19(9):977-984
- Ratnaparkhi R, Xiu KH, Guo X, Li ZM (2016). Changes in carpal arch width under stretching loads during stepwise release of the flexor retinaculum. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research 11:43 DOI 10.1186/s13018-016-0380-3
- Li ZM, Wang JHC, Woo SLY (2016). Biomechanics and Mechanobiology of Ligaments and Tendons, Journal of Medical Biomechanics 31(4):301-307
- Gabra JN, Gordon JL, Marquardt TL, Li ZM (2016). In vivo tissue interaction between the transverse carpal ligament and finger flexor tendons. Medical Engineering & Physics. 2016, 38(10):1055-62. doi: 10.1016/j.medengphy.2016.06.023. PMID: 27401044
- Li P, Li K, Liu C, Zheng D, Li ZM, Liu C (2016). Detection of coupling in short physiological series by a joint distribution entropy method. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 63(11): 2231-2242
- Marquardt TL, Gabra JN, Evans PJ, Seitz WH, Li ZM (2016). Thickness and stiffness adaptations of the transverse carpal ligament associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. Journal of Musculoskeletal Research. 19(4) 1650019. DOI: NIHMSID 842155
- Walia P, Erdemir A, Li ZM (2017). Subject-specific finite element analysis of the carpal tunnel cross-sectional to examine tunnel area changes in response to carpal arch loading. Clinical Biomechanics 42:25-30
- Baisch B, Cai S, Li ZM, Pinheiro V (2017). Reaction time of children with and without autistic spectrum disorders. Open Journal of Medical Psychology 6:166-178
- Lu SC, Xiu K, Li K, Marquardt TL, Evans PJ, Li ZM (2017). Effects of carpal tunnel syndrome on force coordination and muscle coherence during precision pinch. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering 37(3):328-335. NIHMSID 842151
- Nie Y, Ning N, Pei F, Shen B, Zhou Z, Li ZM (2017). Gait kinematic deviations in patients with developmental dysplasia of the hip treated with total hip arthroplasty. Orthopedics 40(3):e425-e431. doi: 10.3928/01477447-20170109-04
- Grandy EL, Xiu KH, Marquardt TL, Li C, Evans PJ, Li ZM (2018). Carpal tunnel syndrome impairs finger responses to unpredictable perturbations. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 38(2018):197–202. PMID 28343885 DOI: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2017.03.001
- Jun BJ, Vasanji A, Ricchetti ET, Rodriguez E, Subhas N, Li ZM, Iannotti JP (2018). Quantification of regional variations in glenoid trabecular bone architecture and mineralization using clinical computed tomography images. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 36(1):85-96. doi: 10.1002/jor.23620
- Yao Y, Erdemir A, Li ZM (2018). Finite element analysis for transverse carpal ligament tensile strain and carpal arch area. Journal of Biomechanics 73(17):210-216. NIHMS959237
- Kolmodin J, Davidson IU, Jun BJ, Sodhi N, Subhas N, Patterson TE, Li ZM, Iannotti JP, Ricchetti ET (2018). Scapular notching after reverse total shoulder arthroplasty: prediction using patient-specific osseous anatomy, implant location, and shoulder motion. J Bone Joint Surg Am 100(13):1095-1103. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.17.00242
- Yao Y, Grandy EL, Evans PJ, Seitz WH, Li ZM (2018). Enhancement in median nerve mobility during radioulnar wrist compression in carpal tunnel syndrome patients, Clinical Biomechanics 60:83-88
- Hu WJ, Wei N, Li ZM, Yue SW, Li K (2018). Effects of exercise-induced hand muscle fatigue on fingertip force direction during precision grip. PLoS One. 13(12):e0208740. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0208740
- Lakshminarayanan K, Shah R, Li ZM (2019). Sex-related differences in carpal arch morphology, PLoS One 14(5):e0217425. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0217425
- Yao Y, Grandy EL, Jenkins L, Hou J, Evans PJ, Seitz WH, Li ZM (2019). Changes of median nerve conduction, cross-sectional area and mobility by radioulnar wrist compression intervention in carpal tunnel syndrome patients, Journal of Orthopaedic Translation, 18(7):13-19
- Lakshminarayanan K, Shah R, Li ZM (2019). Morphological and positional changes of the carpal arch and median nerve associated with wrist deviations, Clinical Biomechanics 71:133-138. NIHMSID 1544838
- Loss J, Li ZM (2020), Biometry of thenar muscle origins on the flexor retinaculum, Clinical Anatomy 2020, 33(8):1176-1180. PMID: 31894884
- Shah R, Li ZM. Ligament and bone arch partition of the carpal tunnel by three-dimensional ultrasonography, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 2020, 142(9), 091008-1. PMID: 32110808, PMCID: PMC7247533
- Yao Y, Grandy EL, Evans PJ, Seitz WH, Li ZM (2020). Impairment of median nerve mobility in the segmental carpal tunnel of patients with carpal tunnel syndrome, Muscle and Nerve 62(4):522-527, DOI: 10.1002/mus.27017. PMID: 32644200
Years 2021 -
- Zhang H, Loss J, Li ZM (2021). Carpal arch changes in response to thenar muscle loading, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 143(10):101003. PMID: 33938948, PMCID: PMC8299799, DOI: 10.1115/1.4051046
- Alsafar F, Li ZM (2022). Thenar and hypothenar muscle coverage on the transverse carpal ligament, Journal of Wrist Surgery 11(2):150-153. PMID: 35478951, PMCID: PMC9038299, DOI: DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1735887
- Nadeem M, Loss J, Li ZM, Seitz WM (2022). Ulnar extension coupling in functional wrist kinematics during hand activities of daily living, Journal of Hand Surgery [AM] 47(2):187.e1-187.e13, PMID: 34049729. DOI: 1.10016/j.jhsa.2021.03.026
- Shah R, Li ZM (2022). Three-dimensional carpal arch morphology using robot-assisted ultrasonography, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 69(2):894-898. PMID: 34460363 PMCID: PMC9190071. DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2021.3108720
- Jun BJ, Ricchetti ET, Haladik J, Bey MJ, Patterson TE, Subhas N, Li ZM, Iannotti JP (2022) Validation of a 3-D CT Imaging Method for Quantifying Implant Migration following Anatomic Total Shoulder Arthroplasty. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 40:1270–1280. PMID 34436796. DOI:
- Jordan D, Li ZM (2022). Cross-sectional changes of the distal carpal tunnel with simulated carpal bone rotation, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 25(14):1599-1607, PMID: 35062851, PMCID: PMC9701111. doi: 10.1080/10255842.2022.2028143
- Li ZM, Grandy EL, Jenkins L, Norman C, Bena J, Hou J, Evans PJ, Seitz WH, Kwoh CK (2022). A preliminary study of radioulnar wrist compression in improving patient-reported outcomes of carpal tunnel syndrome. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorder 2022 Nov 9;23(1):971. PMID: 36352375. PMCID: PMC9644477. DOI:
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- Hawk JL, Daulat SR, Margolis DS, Li ZM (2022). Dose- and time-dependent effects of collagenase clostridium histolyticum injection on transverse carpal ligament elastic modulus and thickness in vitro. PLoS One 2022 17(12): e0277187. PMID: 36454942. PMCID: PMC9714872. DOI:
- Li ZM, Jordan D (2023). Carpal tunnel mechanics and its relevance to carpal tunnel syndrome, Human Movement Science 87(2):103044. PMID: 36442295 PMCID: PMC9839559. DOI:
- Jordan D, Zhang H, Li ZM (2023). Spatial relationship of the median nerve and transverse carpal ligament in asymptomatic hands, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 145(3):031003-1. PMID: 36416297. PMCID: PMC9791676.
- Hawk JL, Zhang H, Margolis DS, Li ZM (2023). Robot and ultrasound assisted needle insertion to the transverse carpal ligament, Clinical Biomechanics 101(1):105851. PMID: 36516561. PMCID: PMC9892213. DOI: 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2022.105851
- Zhang H, Jordan D, Li ZM (2023). Carpal arch space increased by volar force applied to the skin surface above the carpal tunnel, Clinical Biomechanics 2023 Jan;101:105851. PMID: 36640747. PMCID: PMC9892213. DOI:
- Li ZM (2023). Non-surgical carpal arch space augmentation for median nerve decompression, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 2023, 145(8):080801, PMID: 36628998. PMCID: PMC10259465. (An invited review article for ASME 2022 Savio L-Y. Woo Translational Biomechanics Medal)
- Kai-Uwe Lewandrowski, John C Elfar, Zong-Ming Li, Benedikt W Burkhardt, Morgan P Lorio, Peter A Winkler, Joachim M Oertel, Albert E Telfeian, Alvaro Dowling, Roth A Vargas, Ricardo Ramina, Ivo Abraham, Marjan Asefi, Huilin Yang, Xifeng Zhang, Jorge Felipe Ramírez León, Rossano Kepler, Alvim Fiorelli, Mauricio G Pereira, Paulo Sérgio Teixeira De Carvalho, Helton Delfino, Jaime Moyano, Kang Taek Lim, Hyeun Sung Kim, Nicola Montemurro, Anthony Yeung, Pietro Novellino (2023). The changing environment in postgraduate education in orthopaedic- and neurosurgery and its impact on technology-driven targeted interventional and surgical pain management: perspectives from Europe, Latin America, Asia, and the United States, Journal of Personalized Medicine, 2023, 13(5), 852. PMID: 37241022. PMCID: PMC10221956.
- Ivo Abraham, Kai-Uwe Lewandrowski, John C Elfar, Zong-Ming Li, Rossano Kepler Alvim Fiorelli, Mauricio G Pereira, Morgan P Lorio, Benedikt Walter Burkhardt, Joachim M Oertel, Peter A Winkler, Huilin Yang, Jorge Felipe Ramírez León, Albert E Telfeian, Alvaro Dowling, Roth A Vargas, Ricardo Ramina, Marjan Assefi, Paulo Sérgio Teixeira De Carvalho, Helton Delfino, Jaime Moyano, Nicola Montemurro, Anthony Yeung, Pietro Novellino, Randomized Clinical Trials and Observational Tribulations: Providing Clinical Evidence for Personalized Surgical Pain Management Care Models, Journal of Personalized Medicine, 2023, 13(7), 1044. PMID: 37511657. PMCID: PMC10381640.
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